Blog three


   An essential part of  Digital humanities  is organization, analysis and the ability to access materials within w database and metadata. Metadata is a word used to describe when data holds information about another set of data. It has the ability to improve our understanding of data being depicted. Details in terms of the digital object's author, creation date, format, and subject matter may all be found in its metadata when it comes to digital heritage.

 It is easier for users to comprehend the resources because of extra information which is increasingly more important for the arrangement and retrieval of this data. 

With this in mind many researchers find that it is imperative to find content relevant to their topic, metadata and databases to be effective tools. Metadata is easily able to flag photos, text and transcript and more and gives the ability to search and index much more efficiently. While metadata helps with efficiency, databases help with organizing this information. It has the ability to take large amounts of information in an organized way and be digestible for complex queries and analysis. HDI said, “If data is the new oil, metadata is the refinery”. Without metadata, there is no way to understand or use the data in hand”.“If%20data,use%20the%20data%20in%20hand.) .

Within the digital humanities field metadata and databases are both extremely valuable. Databases as stated before have the ability to take large volumes of information and run pivot analysis, while metadata is able to take this information and transcribe it into easily accessible and digustable formats. With digital humanities always evolving it’s important to have a strong database capable of holding large masses and efficient metadata. 

     Metadata and databases will play a significant role in our projects with UNH library and the main mill because as students metadata makes it possible to easily access the materials for our projects. The databases will help structure and help us analyze.This is also incredibly useful when it comes to collaborating with multiple people. This comes into play when sharing information and databases can give a platform to work together on. Understanding what and how to use data is pivotal in creating an environment where people can successfully access, understand and analyze information. The first steps to this is educating about what metadata and databases are and how you can utilize them. 


  1. Yes, metadata will make project information easily accessible and also repuposeful, as so many of the projects we've seen peter out are reliant on students to update, continue, etc. and not passed down.

  2. Your explanation of what metadata truly is is very informative. I agree these processes will be useful for future projects within this class along with others when it comes to working with others online in the professional world. My DH project The Culture That Connects Us of course uses metadata since it describes the data in the most efficient ways, so each section is blocked with other information related to it like independent and dependent data with themselves.


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