Blog Post 3

 To put it into simple terms, metadata is, "data about data." Every digital resource is imbued with metadata. The date in which an article is posted- that's metadata, the location of where a photo was taken- that's metadata, the author of a text- that's also metadata. Metadata provides context and additional information about digital texts, videos and other media that may help the audience interpret said artifacts. There are three different types of metadata- descriptive, structural, and administrative. Descriptive metadata describes the information given to find specific resources such as, titles, authors, etc. Structural metadata is a way of organizing information into different categories for user-friendly interface purposes. This can be seen on almost any websites as they provide different information based on it's content and respected pages. Administrative metadata is another way to separate different information. Instead of the content, resources are separated by different characteristics (possibly by file type like pdf or jpeg or the dates in which the resources are posted). Database Design describes the idea of organizing digital artifacts in terms of user-friendliness or for aesthetic purposes. This is important because nobody enjoys endlessly rifling through a mediocre, antiquated sites only to find what you were looking for thirty minutes later. Both metadata and database design is an integral part of Digital Humanities as it allows for better organization of sites, better accessibility to online resources and likely enhanced data analyzation. With the digital world constantly evolving and with more information to upload everyday, it is very important that we also keep our organizational tools updated as user-friendly navigation is pivotal in terms of successfully gathering information from resources. These concepts are definitely relevant to my project as the site I am working on is a collection of different art pieces- imbued with metadata and different forms of database design.


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