Blog 7

Blog Post 7- Curation Team Planning

As for splitting up the teamwork, our groups purpose is to equally split the work- hence, chosing an artist with 5 works each. And at PCAC, we will all be doing work individually in a group. The steps we need to take will be meeting in PCAC, and gaining insight on the work we are going to be doing in the CatLAB. From what we have gathered from the first meeting, is that we will be using a camera to photograph the woodblock prints from the permanent collection, then using a color corrector to go into photoshop to make sure all of the colors have been photographed correctly. For the process, once we finish the scanning part, we will use JSTOR to upload and publish the artwork with included captions on each piece of work. 

My goals for this project is to gain more knowledge on the uploading process and hands on scanning work. I'm excited to actually experience the full process of uploading. And I see my individual role for the project as being 1 of 7 parts of creating this platform for public access on this permanent collection and including what we have learned from visualization in DH, because it appeals to the audience- who could be UNH students, alumi, facuality, and the general public. In ways that people can easily access these permanent collections that are also, no longer available in the PCAC Art Museum. So it really is just adding tribute to these hidden works of art. The presentation, along with significance of the overall project will again, also mark the permanent collection in a visually appealing way that makes it accessible to people. The goal for our client is to digitize the collection so that the art isn't stuck in the backroom; and that goes along with our overall goal to gain experience with hands on digitization, because we have read and prepared for this project all semester. 


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