Blog 8: Curation Team Processing

I think that the process for my curation team is going well. We are doing the UNH timeline using the archives from UNH’s diamond library. The past two weeks we were able to go to the library and look through various artifacts from their archives and digital collections. Each of us has been collecting and scanning the artifacts we want to showcase for our timeline events. My events consist of the 100th year celebration of UNH in Durham, the first NCAA championship at UNH, the formation of the undergraduate research opportunity program, and the formation of the first student senate. I have found various artifacts from The New Hampshire news paper, the UNH magazine, and various archive collections as a courtesy from Kai. We are all finding three artifacts for each event. I have been outlining all my artifacts with the date and place I found it. From here, I started to write a summary on each event/artifact to be able to put it in the timeline. I have been running into trouble finding artifacts and evidence of my student senate event, so that had proposed a problem in my timeline. I may have to revisit the archives at the library to find some evidence, along with other members of my team needing to do the same thing. My project overall is coming together, though some of it needs some true refining still. I have all the artifacts for three events and may be getting close to finding information about the student senate. This has definitely been more work that I had anticipated, but it is all very interesting. I did not expect it to be as much reading and sifting through artifacts to find a specific piece that might work. I have definitely used the concepts of collecting and organizing methods we have discussed throughout our blog posts. I am grouping artifacts by different criteria based on how I think it would best fit in my timeline. Though timelines are typically all about the dates, some of my artifacts may spill into different time frames, yet they have important information to the event. 

I think the timeline will have a very historic feel to it since a lot of the events we are working on are pre 1960s. Some of my artifacts for example are from typewriters or have black and white pictures only. We are making two timelines based on the years of our events and merging everything together. I think this will be great and each of our events will be individual, yet cohesive. I would like to keep applying different organization techniques and the scanning concepts to actually digitalize the artifacts that are not already in a digital format.


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