Blog Post 7: Curation Team Planning

    My team's curation project is working with Unh’s Department of Art and Art History to digitize and catalog Japanese prints in the UNH Gallery of Art’s permanent collection. During class Tuesday three students who are a main part of the project came in to discuss the process of the project, background information, and jstor information. As a team we decided that each member would get one artist and five pieces of their work. We looked at the chart of all the artists and split them up between the six of us and wrote down who got what on a google doc shared between the team. The next step is on Thursday of this week our team is heading to Paul Creative Arts Center to photograph our artwork along with editing it. Materials we are working with are our individual pieces of artwork along with the camera, the editing tool, and jstor to upload the artwork. The goal of this project is to take clear photos of our artist artwork and to edit them to make sure they are up to the correct standard, then finally upload them to jstor and enter the information provided about the art so viewers will know what they are looking at. My individual role during this project is to make sure my chosen artist’s work is uploaded and completed. This project seems very individualized as we are all doing the same thing but with different artists. 

    This project relates to the beginning unit/our DH projects as the materials are being uploaded and cataloged like the examples we looked at. During the DH first unit there were other jstor projects we looked at and saw how they were displayed. The overall purpose of this project is to upload artists' work online so anyone in the world can see their work. The audience are people on jstor who are searching for either a specific artist or Japanese prints. The significance of this project is to help the Department of Art and Art History to digitize and catalog Japanese prints in the UNH Gallery of Art’s permanent collection since they have many many pieces of art and need these pieces to be seen outside of Unh. This project fits with the overall goals and mission of the client since we are helping them to upload the prints they have and entering in the data which will save them some time as I bet they have other portions of their project on their side they have to complete. From meeting with our client we have learned details on how Japanese prints are made, the process of taking pictures and editing them for this Thursday, and how we will be cataloging them on jstor. As the project continues we will adapt to the needs of our clients.


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