Blog Post 10: Web Presentation and Design
Throughout our class we have learned what all the backbones to making a DH project were. Data mining and text analysis are crucial parts to gathering and uploading data, but the design and presentation of the website is just as important. Depending on what type of website you plan to make will determine what format you use to make it. Different website presentation styles include collections and repository, exhibit, and publications. There is also the difference between static and dynamic presentations. Static being mostly the use of links and HTML framework whereas dynamic websites are like repositories and information will be called from them. Publishing a website is one of the final steps when it comes to creating your own website. The main components are a URL and domain name which would be known as the web address. All the actual content will be under the server but the browser is what people see when they search for your website.
When uploading the project it is important to consider how the project will be hosted and perceived. Where the project is being uploaded and for who is important. It guides its design and development. Project design needs to define the goals, scope, resources, and location. All of these have parameters which include intellectual goals, administrative goals, documentation, institutional site, financial resources, labor, sustainability concerns, and outcomes. Another important aspect to consider is a project's afterlife. Important to see if it will have to have changes after publication like different versions and series.
For my MEdiation plan I chose to use Wix Site to create my project. Since this project needs to have many different elements and pieces of information like my group's curation project and two other mini projects. With these requirements I believe using a mixture of static and dynamic presentation to fully produce a good quality website. I also have to think about intellectual goals like why I’m making this website which would be to showcase myself with my resume and work and it just be a place where people can go to learn more about my future career and current schooling.
I am excited to create and design a website for my MEdiation project. I enjoy design as I have done a lot of work creating social media posts and websites for clubs and other groups i'm apart of. For this project in particular I need to start thinking about what I want to convey with this website regarding myself. Like you mentioned, I want to make sure that I am creating a sustainable website that I can add to even after this class finishes while also ensuring that it's content accurately portray what I want to showcase about myself. I believe determining these intellectual goals is the first step to completing this project as it drives the design for the website. I already know I am going to struggle not immediately jumping into the design, or what I would consider the "fun part", immediately.